Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

I've had numerous patients call and ask my thoughts on the swine flu. The swine flu virus has been identified as a new virus, with genes from human and avian flues as well as the swine variety. It is causing large-scale outbreaks in Mexico, along with separate confirmed cases in the U.S. (none of the 40 cases (as of 4-27-09) identified in the U.S. so far has been fatal) and Canada and suspected cases in other countries.

The influenza virus is constantly mutating, but every once in awhile, the virus shifts its genetic structure so much that our immune systems are challenged. (This usually happens when a flu virus found in animals - like the avian flu still circulating in Asia - swaps genes with other viruses in a process called re-assortment, and jumps to human beings.) A flu pandemic occurs when a new flu virus emerges for which humans have little or no immunity and then spreads easily from person to person around the world. The avian flu is not easily spread. In the 20th century we had two mild flu pandemics, in 1968 and 1957, and the severe "Spanish flu" pandemic of 1918, which killed an estimated 40 to 50 million people worldwide (Reuters News Release April 27, 2009. ... By BRYAN WALSH) By Dr. Lynn Toohey, PhD

As you may have heard in the media, there is not a vaccine available to protect against it. The virus has mutated and is not covered in the flu shots we have available as of now. I do not recommend getting a flu shot at this point as much as I recommend boosting your immune system! The flu shot will actually lower your immune system briefly, and I repeat it is not genetically coded to protect against the swine/avian flu.

Also, avoid contact with sick individuals as much as possible, staying 3 feet away. And of course washing your hands multiple times per day will prevent spreading illness.

What Can You Do To Strengthen Your Immune System?

Boiron-Oscillococcinum is a product used to treat flu symptoms once it has set in, but it can also be used as a prophylactic. Instead of taking the recommended dose, take 2-3 pellets per day as prevention. One dose can be used for an entire family of four.

80% of your immune system is in your gut lining. Start on a pro-biotic/acidophilus as soon as possible. I highly recommend the two I carry in my office. SMI powder and ABC, which in my opinion are the best. Also Bio-K, found at whole foods and central market, is a great product. Some yogurts now have pro-biotics in them, be sure to stay away from yogurt with a high sugar content. Most any high strand pro-biotic, 50billion Cells of Acidophilus plus Bifidus per serving, should be adequate. Pro-biotics must be taken on an empty stomach.

Vitamins A, C, D3, and Zinc are all major immune supporters. Start all four of those immediately.

**Quantum Nucleotides are huge immune boosters. I carry these in the office as well. Take 2, two times per day.

**Other Immune Builders - Olive leaf powder and extract, elderberry extract, astragalus, glycerol monolaurate, and lysine. Olive leaf extract and elderberry extract are strong immune support nutrients. Researchers report that a female, taking no HIV drugs, used an elderberry extract with olive leaf extract and experienced a viral load drop from 17,000 to 4,000, and also that a placebo-controlled double-blind study demonstrated that elderberry extract led to a rapid recovery from influenza and inhibited replication of nine other strains of the flu virus. A theory is that elderberry renders viruses nonfunctional by staining and coating them (Konlee, M. A new triple combination therapy. Posit Health News. 1998 Fall;(No 17):12-4.)

What if I feel like I'm getting the Flu?

-Like any other flu, if you have been exposed to any flu virus start administrating vitamin C 1,000 mg every hour for 6 hours.
Then 1,000 mg three times daily, add Vitamin A, D3, and Zinc to this regimen as well.

-Homeopathic Remedies have been found to be useful in conditions of flu (Jaber R. Respiratory and allergic diseases: from upper respiratory tract infections to asthma. Prim Care. 2002 Jun;29(2):231-61.) Gelsemium and Byronia, for instance "are the two most frequently indicated homeopathic flu medicines used to treat the fluEchinacea Purp homeopathic has been found to "modulate peritoneal inflammatory reaction and have a cytoprotective action on leukocytes" (Pedalino CM, Effect of Atropa belladonna and Echinacea angustifolia in homeopathic dilution on experimental peritonitis. Homeopathy. 2004 Oct;93(4):193-8.) It is particularly helpful in controlling fever and lymphatic inflammation.

-Quantum Immune Complex by Premier Research lab, which includes Olive leaf extract along with broad-spectrum, immune-stimulating phytochemicals: oleuropein, oleuropeoside and calcium elenolate will increase recovery time.

Any of the above products can be ordered through my office and found other places. Let us know if you feel you need help through this.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Weine

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where is my Thyroid Gland? What does it do for me?

I have found in practice most people know more about their computers or their phones than how their bodies operate....Do you know where your thyroid gland is located?? Do you know what it does??

Your thyroid gland is the largest of the 7 glands that make up the endocrine system and is located in the front of the base of the neck.

Our thyroid gland controls the rate at which our motor runs when we are in neutral, so basically our metabolism. It controls the rate at which our body produces energy from food, therefore having an effect on our over all energy levels.

In children the thyroid gland controls the body's rate of growth as well as brain development, and has a primary affect on determining the child's IQ.

So we've all heard a family member or friend state they have a thyroid problem, or they are on thyroid medication. Perhaps that person still does not seem healthy, or they are still over weight, fatigue and lethargic. Well, that is because most doctors treat the thyroid with thyroid hormones only, which does helps initially, instead of supplying the body with the nutrients the gland needs to heal.

Signs and Symptoms you may have a Thyroid Imbalance:
Can't lose weight no matter how hard you try
Weight Gain (especially in the face and arms)
Puffiness around the face
Cold Hands and Feet
Hair Loss
Loss of otter third of the eye brow
The half moons on your finger nails are no longer visible
Depression/Lack of motivation
Sugar, Salt and Carb Cravings

Emotional Factors Seen in Thyroid Patients
In my practice I believe strongly that there is a mind-body connection, that holds true for each and every gland, muscle and organ we have, the thyroid being no exception. When Calcium and Magnesium (Mg) is not in balance the thyroid is affected. Mg carries Calcium in to the cell, the lack of Mg will cause Calcium to stay on the outside of a cell and build a "calcium shell" which allows a low cell hormone permeability. Meaning, thyroid hormones can not get into the cell because they can not pass through the Calcium build up.

Interestingly enough, people with thyroid disorders have personality traits of defensiveness, protected, decreased social activity - basically they "shell up"

What Can you DO to help support your thyroid:
**Take a natural source B vitamins. Synthetic sources - no good! Thyroid hormones can not get across the cell membrane and get into the cells without B's

**Maintain proper Calcium Magnesium ratios, as described above too much Calcium and not enough Magnesium will block the hormones as well.

**The thyroid can not function to it's fullest without the trace mineral iodine. If the thyroid has adequate amounts of iodine it plays a major role in the immune system because iodine is antimicrobial, and antiseptic body-wide and all the blood in the body passes through the thyroid every 17 minutes, there for all foreign microbes will be killed by the iodine.
***Supplement with Iodine only under the care of a Doctor.

In my practice I run numerous tests including saliva testing, blood labs, kinesiology, and iodine patch testing to determine the function of one's thyroid and to decide what is needed to heal the gland.