Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

I've had numerous patients call and ask my thoughts on the swine flu. The swine flu virus has been identified as a new virus, with genes from human and avian flues as well as the swine variety. It is causing large-scale outbreaks in Mexico, along with separate confirmed cases in the U.S. (none of the 40 cases (as of 4-27-09) identified in the U.S. so far has been fatal) and Canada and suspected cases in other countries.

The influenza virus is constantly mutating, but every once in awhile, the virus shifts its genetic structure so much that our immune systems are challenged. (This usually happens when a flu virus found in animals - like the avian flu still circulating in Asia - swaps genes with other viruses in a process called re-assortment, and jumps to human beings.) A flu pandemic occurs when a new flu virus emerges for which humans have little or no immunity and then spreads easily from person to person around the world. The avian flu is not easily spread. In the 20th century we had two mild flu pandemics, in 1968 and 1957, and the severe "Spanish flu" pandemic of 1918, which killed an estimated 40 to 50 million people worldwide (Reuters News Release April 27, 2009. ... By BRYAN WALSH) By Dr. Lynn Toohey, PhD

As you may have heard in the media, there is not a vaccine available to protect against it. The virus has mutated and is not covered in the flu shots we have available as of now. I do not recommend getting a flu shot at this point as much as I recommend boosting your immune system! The flu shot will actually lower your immune system briefly, and I repeat it is not genetically coded to protect against the swine/avian flu.

Also, avoid contact with sick individuals as much as possible, staying 3 feet away. And of course washing your hands multiple times per day will prevent spreading illness.

What Can You Do To Strengthen Your Immune System?

Boiron-Oscillococcinum is a product used to treat flu symptoms once it has set in, but it can also be used as a prophylactic. Instead of taking the recommended dose, take 2-3 pellets per day as prevention. One dose can be used for an entire family of four.

80% of your immune system is in your gut lining. Start on a pro-biotic/acidophilus as soon as possible. I highly recommend the two I carry in my office. SMI powder and ABC, which in my opinion are the best. Also Bio-K, found at whole foods and central market, is a great product. Some yogurts now have pro-biotics in them, be sure to stay away from yogurt with a high sugar content. Most any high strand pro-biotic, 50billion Cells of Acidophilus plus Bifidus per serving, should be adequate. Pro-biotics must be taken on an empty stomach.

Vitamins A, C, D3, and Zinc are all major immune supporters. Start all four of those immediately.

**Quantum Nucleotides are huge immune boosters. I carry these in the office as well. Take 2, two times per day.

**Other Immune Builders - Olive leaf powder and extract, elderberry extract, astragalus, glycerol monolaurate, and lysine. Olive leaf extract and elderberry extract are strong immune support nutrients. Researchers report that a female, taking no HIV drugs, used an elderberry extract with olive leaf extract and experienced a viral load drop from 17,000 to 4,000, and also that a placebo-controlled double-blind study demonstrated that elderberry extract led to a rapid recovery from influenza and inhibited replication of nine other strains of the flu virus. A theory is that elderberry renders viruses nonfunctional by staining and coating them (Konlee, M. A new triple combination therapy. Posit Health News. 1998 Fall;(No 17):12-4.)

What if I feel like I'm getting the Flu?

-Like any other flu, if you have been exposed to any flu virus start administrating vitamin C 1,000 mg every hour for 6 hours.
Then 1,000 mg three times daily, add Vitamin A, D3, and Zinc to this regimen as well.

-Homeopathic Remedies have been found to be useful in conditions of flu (Jaber R. Respiratory and allergic diseases: from upper respiratory tract infections to asthma. Prim Care. 2002 Jun;29(2):231-61.) Gelsemium and Byronia, for instance "are the two most frequently indicated homeopathic flu medicines used to treat the fluEchinacea Purp homeopathic has been found to "modulate peritoneal inflammatory reaction and have a cytoprotective action on leukocytes" (Pedalino CM, Effect of Atropa belladonna and Echinacea angustifolia in homeopathic dilution on experimental peritonitis. Homeopathy. 2004 Oct;93(4):193-8.) It is particularly helpful in controlling fever and lymphatic inflammation.

-Quantum Immune Complex by Premier Research lab, which includes Olive leaf extract along with broad-spectrum, immune-stimulating phytochemicals: oleuropein, oleuropeoside and calcium elenolate will increase recovery time.

Any of the above products can be ordered through my office and found other places. Let us know if you feel you need help through this.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Weine


Richard Hall said...

Dr. Tenesha Weine, I wanted to expand your knowledge a little on OLE. Olive Leaf Extract does not contain Calcium elenolate. Calcium elenolate is synthetically made combining calcium and elenolic acid using W. L. C. Veers patent according to Harold Renis from The Upjohn Co. I know because I am the one who spoke with him before his death. I also am the one written about in chapter 4 of Dr. Morton Walkers book Nature's Antibiotic, Olive Leaf Extract. Oleuropein converts naturally to both chemical sides (l) & (d) in the blood via enzymatic action of esterase & beta-glucosidase. Any extract containing active Oleuropein will work to varying degrees, but the higher the Oleuropein the more virucidal. Seagate, for instance may work on certain things with 1% or less Oleuropein, but then they harvest their leaves in Mexico. I am the president & CEO of AMERIDEN, we have been harvesting our leaves in Spain since 1995, our Oleuropein has always been over 20% by HPLC. I didn't want to make this a sales call, but if you would like free samples please call us Toll Free or visit our webpage at Best Regards, Richard Hall

Unknown said...

Dr Weine,
You have a very informative site. We were contacted by a viewer that asked me to review, add to, and respond to certain statements posted by Richard Hall. My name is Richard Lentz, owner of Seagate - a company based in San Diego, CA that has fishing and farming operations and a processing facility based in Baja California, Mexico. We have been producing food products and supplements from our own raw materials since 1981. Olive Leaf Extract is one of 30 products that we manufacture. Eleven of those products plus 3 new products that are near production, are all based upon the olive leaf extract and olive oil that we produce ourselves locally. Most of the olive leaves that we process originate from our own olive trees. We have produced olive leaf extract in our own factory since 1997. I mention this in order that your readers understand that we are very knowledgeable about olives, olive leaf production, and the characteristics and content of the natural phytochemicals contained in this plant.

With that said, it is interesting to note that many companies claiming to be manufacturers of olive leaf extract continue to try and define its potency by the level of oleuropein content ... some claiming as high as 20% oleuropein. Seagate uses a cold-press freshwater extraction process that produces an olive leaf extract that has a natural range of 1-7% oleuropein. To get a higher yield would actually require that we use some form of solvent, chemical or alcohol to further concentrate oleuropein. However we do not try for that higher concentration because of many different reasons that I wish to address:
1) Most important, we do not use any chemical or solvent in the process that would achieve that concentration. We are in the HEALTH food industry, not the chemical industry.
2) Were Mr. Hall able to use his omnipotent powers to continue his communication with deceased Upjohn scientists, he would understand that Upjohn was never able to develop an antiviral from olive leaf extract, oleuropein or any of oleuropein's components. Part of the problem was that isolating oleuropein and concentrating it made it a very unstable molecule that became clinically inactive. Another part of the problem is that oleuropein is just one small part of the olive leaf's phytochemical array. By separating and isolating it from the other natural components of the olive plant, you can actually reduce its strength and potency.
3)Olive Leaf Extract has at least 8 natural phytochemicals that have so far been discovered, including oleuropein, which work together synergistically. The other components discovered as of this date are: caffeic acid, verbascoside, luteolin 7-O-glucoside, rutin, apigenin 7-O-glucoside, luteolin 4’-O-glucoside, and maslinic acid. As an example, the U. of Granada in Spain in 2007 discovered that Maslinic acid can reduce the spread of the HIV virus by 80% see Many of the olive leaf extract "manufacturers" who really do not grow olive trees nor process their own extract, do not understand the real source of the olive leaf (also the olive bark, root, branches) potency is its natural chemical combination that has developed over thousands of years. Competing brands seem to just like to focus on the Upjohn work in 1969 which was unsuccessful and continue with the myth of more oleuropein is better, when in fact the opposite is true.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to post.
Richard Lentz
San Diego, CA